Saturday, August 23, 2008

Suiting Up For Battle

I have noticed, over the past few months, that each time I tell someone Bubba is autistic, they put their sad face on and tell me how sorry they are. Then they tell me one of 2 things (and I am puzzled by both).
1. It will be ok. Last I checked, God is the only one who knows what the future holds.
2. Well...he doesn't look autistic. I am not sure that autism comes with a physical description, but if it does and we don't fit it, then please let me know how we can get this changed.
When we were told about Bubba's diagnosis, we didn't get the opportunity to break out the sad faces. I had to put my big girl panties on and suit up for battle, because we were (and are) going to fight this thing. If a child is diagnosed with cancer, the parents don't wait around to see what might happen. They attack, and that is just what we are doing...attacking.
Up to this point, we have made the whole family gluten-free casein-free, been in occupational therapy for 6 months, speech therapy for 2 months, begun Under the Umbrella (school for autistic children), had 2 nutrition consults, and go to Austin on Thursday to be examined by a doctor from Thoughtful House (a clinic dedicated to helping children on the autistic spectrum).
Through all of this we have seen Bubba begin to speak in sentences, answer questions appropriately, gain 4 pounds, and have appropriate emotional responses. It has really been amazing to watch his transformation. We are continuing to fight and look for new opportunities for Bubba. We are currently looking for a music therapist and are enrolling in gymnastics (good team-like individual sport where he can put his sensory needs to good use). Bubba also starts back to school on Monday.
Evander and I could not have gotten this far without the support of our family and friends. Our parents have stepped up in ways that no one can imagine and helped us with whatever we may need. Our other family members (sisters, brothers, in-laws, niece, and aunt) have been so supportive and caring. My friend, mama bird (this is what I will call her because she always checks up on me and her last name is a bird), is always there when I need to talk, and I know I can count on her to keep the Baby while I am off with Bubba. She has been very supportive and positive through this whole experience. My other good friend, Guat mama (also previous blog-hater and current house mover), is also always there to listen to me complain if we are having a bad day. She makes me feel better by making fun of a stranger who made a ridiculous comment or laughs when my sailor's mouth gets to out of control. This would be so much harder without all of you. We do not tell you enough but...Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Your committment and guidance is inspirational.

Diane said...

Have a great day back at school Bubba!
Good luck at the doctor's appt this afternoon. Let me know how it turns out. I'm saying a prayer that all is well.

Anonymous said...

You are a stronger women than I could ever be. We are so lucky to have you in the family