Friday, August 15, 2008

Change = Anxiety = Bad Behavior

It just hit me while I was peeling an apple for their snack. I have been attributing Bubba's change in mood, decrease in speech, and increase in self-injurious behavior to his lack of sleep. Before he was diagnosed I often blamed his symptoms on his lack of sleep, and I should know better by now.
It is the change! We introduced his new bed at the same time that school ended for him. HELLO!!! Where have I been? Evander and I are always careful about introducing several new things at once. I think it didn't register because I really didn't have a choice as to when the bed was delivered. I bought the bed when he was still in school, so it just didn't register that it would come when he wasn't. He has also been asking me everyday if he goes to school, but we still have one more week until it starts up again.
Funny story:
This morning it was raining very hard and Bubba is very frightened of the rain (not just thunder but rain itself). He looked out the window and exclaimed, "OH NO! It's Raining! Mommy, GET THE BOAT!!!" and ran from the room.

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