Wednesday, August 20, 2008

No Rest For the Worried

Well...the old saying, "If it isn't one thing, it's another" rings true at the Gregory house. Just when we get things going in the right direction with one child, something happens with the other.
I still wasn't happy with the way the Baby was acting yesterday, so I took her to our pediatrician. The pediatrician also wasn't happy with her symptoms and thought she might have a concussion, so off we went to have a head CT. Between the two children, I have seen more scans, x-rays, and tests than I ever care to, but this wasn't that bad. I did have to restrain her and they did tape her head down, but it only lasted a few minutes. I tried singing and playing peek-a-boo, but that seemed to make her crying and moving worse. How are you supposed to keep a 17 month old from moving her head? For some reason I started barking like a dog, which she thought was hysterical and started barking back at me in between chuckles.
At 5:00 we got the call from our pediatrician with the results and I knew, when she said, "Your children always keep it interesting!" that we were in for something unexpected. She went on to explain that the Baby's head, from the perspective of brain trauma and the fall, was perfectly fine. "The radiologist did, however, find something unrelated that we need to be concerned about." The baby's left and right ventricles in her brain are enlarged and dilated (The right one is larger than the left). Long story short, she has hydrocephalus (otherwise known as fluid on the brain). She could have been born with this, but no one is sure. We were told to watch her closely for any signs of head swelling, vomiting, seizures, or dizziness.
About one hour after the phone call, we noticed that the Baby's eyes and brow were swollen, her stomach was upset and we immediately panicked. May Be and boyfriend came as fast as they could to sit with Bubba while we frantically sped to the ER. Where, after four hours, they decided to let us go home and follow-up with a pediatric neurosurgeon.
We have an appointment on Monday afternoon, which also happens to be the first day that Bubba starts school. While I am not certain what the future holds for us, I am certain that this will be a long sleepless worrisome four days.
I would also like to amend my previous statement that God doesn't give you more than you can handle. If anyone talks to Him, could you please let him know that my tank is full.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Know that we are all available to assist with whatever is needed.
Make sure that you take of yourself and each other especially during these challenging times.
We are proud of you.