Thursday, August 7, 2008

Our story

I find this extremely ironic. For years, my friend (who will remain nameless) and I have consistently made fun of those dorky bloggers who post silly things about their daily lives (spider encounters, what's for lunch, etc), and now I am one of those dorks who is blogging.
I decided to start this so everyone could see the progress that our little man is making with therapy, his new diet, and school, without harrassing you with non-stop emails that I find absolutely rivoting, but others might find slightly bothersome and boring. This way, I will post when I can and you can look if you are interested. No pressure!!
Our camera is currently broken, though, so don't expect photos right now. I am also going to try to avoid using names, but we will see how that works out.
For those who don't know everything, Bubba was diagnosed with PDD-NOS (on the autism spectrum) a few months ago. Since then, we have continued occupational and speech therapies, begun a gluten-free, casein-free diet, and enrolled in a new school for children on the autism spectrum. Since beginning the diet, Bubba has started speaking in sentences, counting to 3, singing, and actually laughing at funny things every now and then. He also now waves at me when I pick him up, gives the occasional hug and kiss, and calls his sister by her name. He screaming and tantrums have decreased, and things are looking up!

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