Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Special Report

I know that I have already posted today, and I usually don't do this but we have breaking news. Two of the three little ones in our house are officially potty-trained. Belle, the dog, has decided she would now like to pee somewhere other than our carpet. She has, in turn, opted to use her pee-pee pads and even barks at the door to go outside. It has been an unbelievable turn of events, and I'm not done.
Also, Bubba has thrown his diapers to the curb (except for bedtime). He has worn big boy underwear to school for 3 days with no accident and has also attended speech therapy and occupational therapy with no accident. He even told his OT he had to go potty. This is HUGE!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That is huge! I'm very proud of him.DJA

Diane said...

Oh what a relief! Isn't it nice when you can finally stop buying all of those diapers??