Saturday, September 20, 2008

No Fun With Fungus

WARNING: Yeast and poo are discussed in the following post.
In Jenny McCarthy's book, Louder Than Words, she describes her son a few days after beginning the anti fungal treatment and compared him to The Exorcist without the spinning head. So, when the doctor said we might have a rough couple of days once we began the medication, I was prepared. Or so I thought.
We started the anti fungal treatment (for the yeast currently growing in Bubba's gut) on a Friday, and I told his teacher at drop off to call me if he started acting crazy. We made it through the weekend with a slightly elevated temper and moderate aggression, but nothing new. On Monday morning, Evander remarked that we should be out of the danger zone, and I agreed. Our doctor had said, after all, that 3-4 days of insanity was normal, but I should have taken note that he said normal. Nothing at our house is every normal or even on the bell curve of normalcy.
Well...the insanity began on Monday, three days AFTER we began the medication. I picked him up from school only to have him melt down on me in the car. I had, evidently, not brought the correct snack (he wanted a fruit snack not a fruit roll). At home he was throwing things, generally disagreeable, and extremely mean to Baby. He also didn't eat much and generally wanted to be left alone. The same goes for Tuesday.
Wednesday, however, was our Exorcist day. It began with him refusing to eat breakfast, get dressed, go to school, etc. I picked him up, and we had the same meltdown over the wrong snack. When we got home, I showed Bubba the new blocks I had purchased and he immediately began to play, but all hell broke loose when the Baby took one of his precious bristly blocks. He quickly jumped to his feet, waving his arms and screaming like a banshee. He was in hot pursuit and I wasn't far behind. By the time I got to the scene, Bubba had pushed the Baby to the ground, grabbed the blocks, and had his fist cocked, ready to fire. I managed to catch the fist in mid air and scoop him up before any serious damage was done.
Since I interfered, however, he was not a happy camper. I tried letting him go, but he went after her again, so I decided I would have to restrain him until he calmed down. Otherwise, the Baby was in danger. I must say that, while I am thrilled he has gained weight, he is much harder to tame. I did as our doctor had told us and held his arms tight to his chest and wrapped my legs around his, but I was just no match for this child with super human strength. So, there we sat, Bubba kicking my legs, head butting my chest and chin, screaming, "HELP ME! HELP ME!" in a demonic voice (with his eyes literally rolled back in his head). Tears were streaming down his red face and he was shaking with anger. I, too, began to cry because I felt helpless. I kept pleading with him to take a breath and settle down, all the while reassuring him that I was trying to help him. All I could do was hold him as he half fought-half laid against me. I tried putting him down again, but he fell to the tile floor and began hitting his head, so I picked him up again and continued my restraint.
Forty minutes later it left as suddenly as it came, and in its path Bubba and I were left crying and shaking. He was physically and mentally exhausted from the storm he went through and simply laid down on the couch. I, myself, was a complete and total mess. I felt horrible and sad and scared for him all at the same time. Was that the yeast die-off the doctor and Jenny McCarthy spoke of? If so, how could something in your own body affect you so terribly?
Now it is Saturday, and we have experienced three consecutive days of ...WOW! Each day Bubba has slept through the night and woken up in a great mood. He is now talking even more, in complete sentences and answering questions like a pro. His poop is normal, making it easier for him to use the potty (and potty training much better), and he is trying new foods. On Thursday night he tried a sweet potato (he gagged but at least he tried), on Friday he ate 4 spoonfuls of peas, and this morning he ate an orange. His focus and patience have improved tremendously. I was actually able to work with him on drawing straight lines today. Now...a funny story.
Evander took Baby to swimming lessons this morning and I wanted to take Bubba to do his own thing so it went like this:
Bubba, where do you want to go?
To Sonic
Sonic? What do you want at Sonic?
I need juice, Mommy.
So...we went to Sonic at 9:00 am to get some apple juice. I was so excited that he actually answered the question, I would have gone anywhere!
While at Sonic I asked...
Bubba, where do you want to go now?
What do you need at Target?
Yeah, I need Halloween stuff Mommy.

Can you believe it? A few months ago, even a few weeks ago, we never would have had that conversation. Yes...a conversation!!! I am so proud of him. He has endured so much and continues to try so hard. He is my hero!

1 comment:

Diane said...

I'm so sorry that you guys went through such horrendous days, but I'm really glad that Bubba is doing so great now! Can't wait to see you guys soon.