Friday, September 5, 2008

The Great Debate

This is not a topic to be discussed at a business dinner or even a casual gathering of friends. It is something so controversial that once happy-go-lucky people become angered and defensive. Everyone has a definite side and a definite opinion on this topic, but few will bring it up. It is something that I am often asked about, since our diagnosis. The controversy lies in a singe question...Do vaccines cause autism?
I have said for years (even before our diagnosis) that I believe they are a piece to the puzzle. Does one vaccine single-handedly "cause" a child to become instantly delayed or regress moments later? I would say no, but I will not say that vaccines have NO role. I believe they may be the trigger for something greater, and my thoughts have been confirmed over and over again. Only now, I have the actual science to back it up.
In March of 2008, the Court of Federal Claims ruled on a case involving a little girl, named Hannah Poling. This little girl began showing autistic tendencies at 3-months of age, after receiving vaccines. The court agreed that she had a pre-existing mitochondrial disorder that was aggravated by the vaccinations. This information and ruling is ground-breaking. The only problem is that the court sealed the records, prohibiting scientists and doctors from investigating and potentially helping millions of autistic children.
In the end of March of 2008, Julie Gerberding, head of the CDC appeared on Dr. Sanjay Gupta's TV show and proclaimed that vaccines can trigger autism in a subset of children. The only problem with this proclamation, no one noticed. The only people who took note were the parents, doctors, and scientists already immersed in the autism community.
In August of 2008, Bubba, Evander, and I traveled to Austin to visit the Thoughtful House clinic, where Bubba was diagnosed with a similar mitochondrial disorder that affected Hannah Poling. Bubba has received all of his injections and will continue to receive them, but I am more cautious.
We will be receiving a special flu vaccine this year, without thimerosal, and if I were to have another child, I will carefully consider each vaccine that is given. From this point forward, I would suggest making sure your child isn't the slightest bit sick before a vaccine, and, if he/she is underweight for his/her age, please ask if you can defer the vaccine until the next well baby visit. There are also thimerosal-free vaccines that can be special ordered. It might be a pain for your pediatrician, but it is worth it.
On a final note, I would like to say that I support all of those parents who have chosen not to vaccinate. Had Bubba been biological, we may have made the same decision.

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