The news that I was pregnant with Baby shocked and overwhelmed Evander and I. How could we possibly be pregnant when our son was about to come home? We had been through fertility treatments and miscarriages and decided that wasn't the road we wanted to travel. Life is a journey, afterall, and there are going to be decisions to make. Which direction do you turn?
We quickly found out that, while we may turn one direction, God wants us to walk another path. In all honesty, I wasn't initially happy with His decision. I had come to terms with the fact that I would not be able to carry a child, and I was ok with that. We were about to welcome our son into our home, and this pregnancy could mess things up. I felt guilty for adopting a child when I could have a biological child, and I felt guilty for having a biological child when I was adopting. Would I give more attention to one over the other, or would I love one more? Obviously God knew more than I did at the time (as is always the case), and we were blessed with two children, 13 months apart (Bubba was only home 7 months before Baby arrived).
Now, I cannot imagine my life without our beautiful princess. She is easy going and carefree. She lights up the room with her smiles and loves almost everyone she meets. She is intelligent and fascinating. When you hear her laugh, you can't help but crack a smile. She can pooch out her lips, cock her hip to one side, and swing her arm like the best diva who ever lived. She doesn't take anything from anyone except her Bubba, and she rarely has a bad day.
She is this amazing ball of energy who forces Bubba to come out of his comfort zone just a little more each day. She grabs his hand and insists that he play with her. Even though she is only 18 months old, she reminds him to say thank you and excuse me. She won't let him have something until he uses his words, but she also knows when to give in. She loves him no matter how many punches or pushes she receives. She tells him night-night and I love you every night, whether he acknowledges her or not.
Baby is this phenomenal little person that I could not imagine my life without. She brings happiness into my heart and makes the bad days full of light. I credit her, as much as the therapies and supplements, with Bubba's recovery. If it weren't for her, he wouldn't have a forever friend, who will always be there to support him. Both of these children were meant to be in our lives, and there isn't a day that goes by that I am not thankful for them. I am so thankful for this path, this life, this family!
Bubba mini-update: Bubba is now counting to 10 on a regular basis and knows his colors. This morning he pulled his pants down and said "I need my B12!" referring to his injection. He is regularly communicating in complete sentences and took his own shirt off for his bath last night. This morning he dressed himself (except socks) completely. Next week he will start neurotypical preschool (normal preschool) and will be evaluated for PPCD (public preschool for children with disabilities) on Nov 4.
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