Tuesday, May 7, 2013

We're baaaccck!

Warm, slow tears drip down my face as I look back on this blog and its contents.  The memories, the heartache, the stress, the joys, the laughes and the love it holds still stirs many emotions in me.  The photos of tiny faces are priceless, and the reality of many of the situations I typed about I do not want to relive, but it is like the car crash on the side of the road.  You know you shouldn't stare but you can't turn away.
 I originally began this blog many years ago so my family and close friends could keep up with Bubba's (our oldest child) ever-evolving progress and Baby's (she is hardly that now, but she is our oldest girl) medical issues.  I stopped this blog 1 year and 1 month after Peach (our second girl) was born.  My life with 3 babies riddled with issues became too much for me to continue, but I desperately wanted to.
Writing is my therapy.  It's a love of mine that I have had for many, many years.  It provides me the ability to vent my frustration, share my happiness, and tell my weaknesses without having to hear someone's unthoughtout response.  So... after much prodding from family and friends, we are back. 
My goal is one post a week for now.  If you have never read the blog, feel free to go back and read previous posts.  Also know this is my place.  I will be 100% honest and will hold back very little.  Feel free to comment but if you are offended by something...I don't want to know.  This is me...like it or leave it.


Anonymous said...

I just happened upon this blog, while I was doing a searching for Asperger's and Attachment (I attachment parent, too). I'd be really interested in hear about your attachment journey.

Susan, mom of a 7 year old boy

LG said...

Thanks Susan! It has been quite a journey and it continues. I will be posting soon about this.