Thursday, May 23, 2013

Best's Disease

The lights are so bright you feel as if you may be interrogated at any moment, and the walls have always been gray...the sort of gray you find on a faded newspaper that's been on your counter for a few weeks.  I carefully ease down in my faux leather chair as I take in the sights.  I'm immediately aware of the chill in the air.  From what I can see, they probably keep it so cold to keep the smell of death at bay or the relentless germs from overpopulating and causing destruction. 
"Momma!  How much longer?" exclaims Peach as she jumps into the chair beside me.  We have just been seated in the waiting room of the retina specialist for barely a minute, but it is too much for her.  "It's FREEZING in here!"  she yells.
I couldn't agree more, but judging by the waiting room population, I'm not certain they feel it.  Every single person in there is a good 75 years older than my little girl, yet she is forced to sit and wait just as they are.  And just like that I hear "Ms. Gregory?" It was Peach's turn!
I sit anxiously as the specialist looks through my daughter's beautiful eyes, praying through clenched teeth that he finds nothing.  "Please God, not 2...Please God, not 2."  I'm interrupted by the doctor's poor excuse at humor, which means I have to force a smile.  I even manage some sort of sound, which I suppose could sound like a 1/2 laugh if you don't know me.
Suddenly I am in awe of Peach's stillness.  She looks almost lifeless as she sits SO very still, allowing him to tilt her head back and forth, shine lights in, scan her eyes and take films.  Her sister had warned her in advance of this requirement, but she is also still a rambunctious 3-year-old.
"Well..." he began.
Here it comes...Please God...Please God...Please God...
"She definitely has all the signs of Best's disease." he continues.
And there come the anvil over the head.
I'm really not sure of what else was said, because I deemed it unnecessary to listen.  I now have 2 daughters with Best's disease... 2 daughters who may lose a good deal of their vision...2 daughters who don't deserve this.
But... I was also reminded as I looked into Peach's precious face that I have 2 amazing daughters,..2 beautifully intelligent daughters...2 daughters who, for right now, have excellent vision.

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