Friday, May 31, 2013

Attachment vs Asperger's Part 2

Attachment                                             Asperger's
  • antisocial behavior                                antisocial behavior
  • repetitive behaviors                               repetitive behaviors
  • sensory processing issues                     sensory processing issues
  • motor delays                                         motor delays
This comparison is by no means an exhaustive list of symptoms from Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) or Asperger's Syndrome.  It is also not an expert's list.  I just wanted to show why these two are so difficult to distinguish.  Many of the signs and symptoms seem to mimic one another, and each expert's book seems to tell you something different. We have also visited many a therapist who all share the same thoughts... it must be one or the other.  They also always have their reasons, but there are no two alike.
After years of dealing with the questioning, my mother found an therapist who "specialized" in Asperger's.  By this time (earlier this fall) I had almost made up my mind that we were dealing with RAD.  Each time, however, I knew without a doubt, Bubba would do something to make me question my decision.  With years of reading and therapy visiting in my backpack, I walked into this man's office completely alone (well...not exactly.  I had just had LJ so she was in tow).  I was ready to hear the same 'ole thing. 
He asked me TONS of questions about how Bubba reacts to certain situations, what he enjoyed, how he handled being disciplined, what I believed were his biggest issues, his anxiety level, his history, etc.  I did this for two sessions.
Finally on session three, before he had even met my child, he said " I get the feeling you believe he must have either Asperger's OR attachment.  Is that correct?"
"Well yes..." I began confidently.  Remember, I've been to this movie before.
"Has anyone ever told you he could have both?" he questioned.
"Excuse me?  Both what?" I stammered.  Wait...hold the phone. 
"Asperger's and RAD?  I believe he could have both.  I of course won't know until I meet with him several times, but both is definitely feasible from what you are telling me." He answered.
"Are you serious?  He can have both?  Well that makes a hell of a lot more sense than anything I have EVER heard in years!" I exclaimed, half wanting to jump up and squeeze this frail man (who may have been on the spectrum himself) and half wanting to sit on that couch and cry.
After several months of therapy with him, Bubba is now on consult only, and we now treat him as if he has both.  The Asperger's makes the RAD so much more difficult to handle, but we take one day at a time, and I believe we are making progress.  There are days when I feel he may like me just a little, and there are days when he manipulates every situation to push every emotional button I have.  The good days are glorious and the bad days suck more than you can imagine.

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