Friday, October 15, 2010

Just a Minute

"Come on MOM! We are going to be late!"
"Just a minute... let me just put the laundry in the washer real quick and then we'll go!"
This was a situation that occurred often at my house when I was a child. I was always ready, and it always seemed that my mother was not. She was always trying to squeeze one more chore in before we went anywhere, and I was always SO frustrated. Did she have no respect for others' time? Did she not realize that we HAD TO LEAVE? Was her laundry more important than the event we were going to?
Two days ago, Baby was ready for school 45 minutes early. After repeatedly telling her that it wasn't time to go, I gave up. I said, "Ok, let's go, but first I need to put the laundry in the washer!" At that very moment I stopped and laughed out loud.
Nearly thirty years later, I finally realized what my mother had done all those years ago. She was stalling. She was tired of telling me it wasn't time to go and decided to take another approach. As I laughed, I saw my daughter glare at me and sigh, which made me laugh even more.
My sweet Baby could very possibly be an identical clone of me, so I knew in that moment exactly what she was thinking...just as my mother probably knew too!

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