Everyone who knows Evander and I well say that Baby is a perfect combination of the two of us. She looks like him, with her beautiful blond curls and her silly little smile, but she has my personality. She is the sweetest child in the world, but she has a look that would even stop the Wicked Witch of the West dead in her tracks. She is independent and smart. She likes who and what she likes and does not concern herself with the rest. When she decides to do something, she does it, which is why the events of Monday afternoon should come as no surprise.
After arriving home from school and eating a snack, Baby announced, in her slightly more country than southern accent, "Gotta go potty, Mommy". Now she usually says this when I am changing her diaper as a way of escaping. She will run to the potty and sit for several minutes, occasionally producing an end result (maybe once a week). When she said it this time, I followed her into the bathroom for her to try her luck, and she succeeded instantly. "WOW!" I said. "Good girl, Baby," she praised herself. After making a big deal of her accomplishment, I scooped her up to put on her diaper, but she fought me. Then she said, "Underwear, Mommy?"
I figured there would be no harm in putting underwear on her for a little while, since she had just gone in the potty. Well...that was Monday afternoon and as of today (Wednesday), she has been accident free. She has worn big girl panties every day and even wore them to school today. We have not been potty training or even encouraging it. After all, she is only 19 months old. She put her mind to it and decided she wanted to be a big girl. Now our house is diaper free!! YEAH!
Way to go and what a blow for freedom for you and your wallet! I'm sure we're way off from being diaper free at our house. But at least we only have one in diapers. That's a small break!
Love the picture.DJA
As you stated,she does have your personality and your aunt's. I remember another little girl when she decided to wear "big girl" panties. I am so proud of Lilly. Enjoy the children.
I love you,
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