Monday, June 29, 2009

Screaming Bubba

Our weekend was pretty much the same as usual. We ran some errands, went to the pool, folded laundry and just hung around the house. The only difference was in Bubba's nose. He awoke Friday with a funky nose. If you have children, you know what I mean! I knew what was ahead but I tried to blow it off. After all, I had just been to the pediatrician 5 days earlier and the pediatric ENT the day before.
On Saturday, the whole family ventured out to Target for a few forgotten items. While in the store, Bubba began hitting Baby in the cart. Baby sweetly said "Be nice, Bubba. Don't hit me!" But that didn't stop him. When Evander and I spoke to him, it didn't stop. So...I decided to remove him from the buggy and make him walk and hold my hand. Seconds after grabbing onto his tiny brown hand, he went limp and began screaming "DADDY!! DADDY!!" Evander was literally right beside us, but Bubba didn't care. He was screaming so loudly, I knew we had to leave the store.
So... 7 months pregnant me (if you haven't seen me lately, I'm much bigger than I was with Baby) proceeds to drag screaming-limp Bubba through the isles of Target and out the glass doors. All the while Bubba is screaming "Daddy! HELP! DADDY!! NNNOOO!!" Strangers are glancing in my direction, probably wondering if he is being abducted or just terrible! I rush him to the car, where he refuses to get in. Still screaming, I lift him into the car and hold him down with my elbow, so I can buckle the seat. I quickly slam and lock the door and hop into the passenger seat.
After throwing my head back into the seat rest, taking a gulp of water, and sighing deeply, I began to talk to him (more of a scream since he was still screaming). Soon I saw Evander and Baby bopping out of the store and silently thanked God. "What is HIS deal? One of these days someone is going to stop us or call the police!" Evander said as he slid into the car. I knew exactly what the problem was. Gauging from the recent outburst, I immediately diagnosed his funky nose as ear and sinus infection. These days, the only time Bubba acts like that anymore is when he is sick, and when he is sick, he usually has an ear and/or sinus infection.
As the pediatrician entered the room this morning, she said "What's going on with Bubba today?" and I said "He has a sinus infection and maybe an ear infection." After confirming our diagnosis, we left the doctor's office with an antibiotic prescription, 2 suckers, and countless germs that haven't popped up yet! Now we are trying to get Bubba feeling well before we fly on Wednesday morning. Keep your fingers crossed!


Diane said...

Oh man! Sorry you had a rough trip to Target. I'm glad you got some good medication to hopefully knock out the funky nose germs. Safe travels on Wednesday!

Susan said...

Can you just call the PED and tell her what you need from now on, so you can pass up new germs?

I really want to see you and the baby belly.