Thursday, June 4, 2009

School's Out for Summer

"Am I going to kindergarten now?" was one of the first questions I heard this morning. "Did you say kindergarten?" I asked. "Yeah," Bubba replied. "Well...not right now. You have to be five to go," I answered. "And I'm three now?" he wondered. "Yes" And that was it. We started this year not wanting to go to school at all, and, now that he is done for the year, he is ready to continue on (and skip a few years).
Wednesday was Bubba's last day of PPCD, and I am relieved. We finally have that and those teachers behind us. I was told that he would be spending the day outside and having a Popsicle for snack, but when I asked Bubba what they did he said that he didn't know. When I asked if he had a Popsicle he said "No! I want a Popsicle!" UUGGHH!! Why would his teachers have told me Popsicles if there were no Popsicles?
Next year, Bubba will be going to PPCD at the new Early Childhood Center very close to our house. It is a very nice building with lots of tiny playgrounds, just perfect for their ages. I have asked his teachers to provide some specifics for the new year and new school, but they can't seem to come up with any, so I suppose we will wait and see what happens. Bubba will, I believe, be riding the bus one way (either home from school if he is in the morning session or to school if he is in the afternoon session). I thought this would provide him a little independence, and it would help me out with the new baby. We will have to wait and see, though, how it actually works out.
With summer ahead, Bubba is off on new adventures. He will begin swimming lessons next week and has a trip to Flagstaff, Arizona in the near future. He is currently doing very well, sleeping through the night and talking more. I just hope we keep it up!

1 comment:

Diane said...

Why is it when I read the title to your post I automatically broke into song in my head??? "School's Out for Summer! School's Out Forever!!!" haha!