Thursday, December 18, 2008

Breaking News

There are many things in life that we all take for granted; things we assume everyone has. For instance, everyone is, of course, thankful to hear but rarely, if ever, think of it until he/she loses the ability. The same principle applies to laughter and friendship. I can honestly say that I have never said, "Wow, I'm really glad that I can laugh." But now I do. Now I thank God for many things that I have. Why? Because, up until recently, my son was not blessed with theses gifts.
Yesterday afternoon, I wheeled into the carpool lane at Bubba and Baby's school, hopped out and ran in their teachers' holiday gifts. Tucked neatly under my arm was an oversized orange envelope which contained a special frog birthday invitation to Bubba's pool party. He had mentioned a little boy in his class a few times, so I hoped to invite this "friend" to his party. I poked my head into Bubba's classroom and found his teacher busily stuffing backpacks, and I asked, "Does Bubba have any friends at school? You know someone who might try to play with him?" The answer I was expecting was "Yes there is a little boy who tries to play with him or helps him put his shoes on" but that is not what I got.
"Well...he has a lot of friends."
"He does?"
"Yes, he has been playing with everyone very nicely."
"Wait a minute. Do you mean playing WITH or playing NEAR? Do you mean playing the same thing or actively playing the same thing together, with another child?"
"Oh, he plays with, but he does have one real friend."
"A friend? A real friend? One that he plays with everyday and talks to and shares toys with? One friend?" Tears began to fill my eyes.
"Yes, his name is Juan (not his real name of course)"
"Oh my gosh! Well...please put this invitation in Juan's backpack for me."
I tried to compose myself before I left the room. Just as I turned the corner, Bubba ran at me with arms open wide. Then came Baby with lop-sided pig tails. On the way home we talked about their day...snack, lunch, going potty, and playing. Once inside the house I put on Wall-E, poured a snack and water and sat down next to them on the couch. I was still trying to get over my excitement about Bubba's friends when Belle began sliding off the couch. First her butt went and her head slowly followed. She was trying desperately to hang on, digging her nails into the fabric of the couch, but it was no use. She splattered onto the floor, as if she had fallen 100 feet.
Bubba immediately began laughing. Then he laughed harder and harder. He fell back onto the couch and curled into the fetal position as he roared with laughter. "Mommy, Belle slid off the couch!" he squealed and continued to laugh.
I sat there, staring, as if I had just witnessed a man landing on the moon. As the Little Einsteins would say, "I CANNOT believe it!" Bubba was laughing! He was actually laughing a real laugh and I was there to witness it. Sure...he has laughed before, when someone else laughs or he senses that he is supposed to laugh, but he has never just laughed. This was honest and sincere. It was a direct reaction to something only he found humorous. Baby and I were not laughing, but I sinced that Baby recognized the importance of this moment. She, like me, was staring at him with eyes wide open in amazement.
Many parents have the joy of seeing their baby's smile for the first time or coo when they are spoken to, but we did not have that with Bubba. He is only now beginning to show emotion and these small glimpses are beautiful. I cannot say that I have seen or heard anything more heartwarming than his smile and laughter in that moment. Be grateful for what you have, because everyone may not be so lucky.

1 comment:

Diane said...

I'm glad that your sweet boy is doing so well.
We can't wait for the swim party, although our princess probably will refuse to get into the pool for fear of messing her hair up.