Tuesday, May 12, 2009

One of Those Days

Bubba is having one of those days, the kind of day where it seems as if he just woke up from a long sleep. I love these days! On these days I get to know the real Bubba and see his real personality. On these days I am reminded just how smart he is and how sweet he can be. On these days anything can happen.
Each day after school, I wait for Bubba to come out the front doors. His head and shoulders are usually slumped, and I have to get his attention for him to even know I'm around. Today, though, he ran up to me, arms open wide and a big smile on his face. That is when I knew it was a good day. Our usual walk to the car is filled with my questions and his non-answers but not today. Today HE asked me the questions.
"So...," he began, "What did you and Baby do today while I was at school?". Totally stunned by his very verbal question, I was the one left stumbling over my words and barely answering (we went to the store). " You mean the grocery store? What did you get at the grocery store?". I was hardly able to answer before he continued, "Did you bring my lunch with you today?" Yes! "What did you put in my lunch today?" This went on as he and Baby held their own conversation in the backseat all the way home.
Once home I said "Bubba I really like the way you are using your words today". He replied with "Yes and I used my words at school today too!" Still in complete shock, I turned on the oven to heat up some lunch and was met with another question. "What are you having for lunch Mommy?"
"What kind of pizza?"
"Oh, just frozen pizza" (the child has hardly EVER noticed that I eat something different from them every single day)
"Oh.. when I was a baby I used to eat frozen pizza but then I had Pizza Hut pizza for lunch one day and it made me sick. So I don't eat frozen pizza anymore."
"Well, thank you for letting me know!" I uttered as I picked my jaw up off the floor.
That's the thing with Aspergers...you never know what you are going to get. One day could be the worst day of your life and the next could be a gift from God. And to think, I thought yesterday was good because he finally ate a pb and j without complaint!


Anonymous said...

I am glad for all of you that Bubba is having a good day. Maybe you will have more good days.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Your whole family is so much fun, I can't wait for the new baby because of all the new stories.
I'm proud of Bubba, he works so hard! His good day is a good day for all.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Yea Bubba!! Many more "good days" are on the way.

Mama Bird