Monday, April 6, 2009

I Found It!

After months of searching, I finally found it. What is it? GFCF bread that will actually toast.'s true. Kinnicknicks (spelling might be wrong but I don't want to go look it up) white sandwich bread is GFCF and it will toast. Now, it does take longer than the average slice of bread, but it will eventually turn brown. YEAH!

NOTE #1: Baby's follow-up appointment with the neurosurgeon is Wednesday, so I will post and let everyone know how that went.

NOTE #2: I, in no way, meant to offend anyone by answering the questions at the bottom of my pregnancy post. There are many people who read the blog that I don't talk to on a regular basis. Because of this, I knew they would have the same questions that others have had. I don't mind questions at all. I would rather you ask, than assume you know the answer! LOL!

1 comment:

Diane said...

Hope everything goes well today at the doctor's office. Congratulations on the bread that will toast! :)