Three weeks ago, we took the Baby's pappies from her. We had tried the slow, weaning method but that didn't go so well. That's when we decided that she would have to go cold turkey. After two days of torture for her, she went on about her business, only asking for pappies in the car or when it was time for bed.
Well...this morning the Gregory tornado whirled into the vet and out in record time and hurried on its way (which is a story unto itself). We all poured into the house and right out the back door so Belle could go potty quickly. That is when I heard it, "PAPPY!" I immediately thought that the Baby must be looking at a book that I had made for her and dismissed it.
Then I saw her. Her mouth was obstructed by a clear and turquoise pacifier, but I could see her wide cat-like grin shining out underneath. "Oh no!" I exclaimed, "WHERE did THAT come from?" She ignored my crazy outcry and continued to talk through the pappy.
All I could think is, one is going forward and one just stepped back. AAAHHH!! I'm hoping to steal it back from her before nap time, because I'm afraid what may happen if she sleeps with it again!
1 comment:
"the Gregory tornado"
Oh sooo true! Fun!
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