My post for today was going to be about how well Bubba and Baby played with one another today, but I will start with the most recent incident of the night. About 3 hours ago, Baby was playing on the couch when she fell off and landed face first on the tile floor. Had she screamed instantly and been angry at herself for falling (as she usually is), I would not have been concerned.
That, however, did not happen. She laid in the floor for a moment with a dazed look on her face, as if to ask, "What just happened?" It was only when I ran over and scooped her up that she started to sob. If this were Bubba, I would have shrugged it off as typical, but the Baby is Miss Drama Queen and squeezes out a tear when her name is said wrong. I watched closely as an interesting bruise quickly began to take shape on her temple. It was a red and black circle, about the size of a quarter (maybe slightly larger), that was white and indented in the middle. I continued to observe over the next hour that she wasn't eating or drinking, seemed lethargic, and gag (but never vomit).
I, then, called Evander who was out to dinner. He said to do what I thought was best and let him know. Then I called my mother. I knew what my mother would say, even before I called, but I called anyway to get the affirmation I needed to get the ball rolling. She, of course, said get her to the ER, so I called May Be, what the Baby affectionately calls my niece, and she (and her boyfriend) came running over without hesitation. My excitement over her being here is for another post, but knowing that I can call her and she will drop everything for me, is invaluable.
Back to the Baby...long story short. Baby and I end up at the Acute Pediatric Clinic, where they do not calm my frazzled nerves. The doctor looks at her and says, "Well, her pupils are good." Then proceeds to tell me that, with the Baby's other symptoms, she is concerned about a major head trauma and possible delayed brain bleed. WHAT!!!??? Her advice...take her home and watch her very closely. Wake her every 2 hours and if symptoms continue or worsen take her to the ER. She seemed to be perking up before bed, but I plan on sleeping outside her door tonight just in case.
On a different and lighter note, Bubba and Baby were playing exceptionally well together today. They were making messes, pretending to be in a rain storm, and taking care of babies. It was so nice to see that they are starting to play together.
1 comment:
Hey. I hope everything turned out to be ok with the head scan yesterday afternoon. I tried to call you this morning, but no answer. Give me a call when you get a chance.
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