Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Naked Princess

I have a confession to make. My daughter is a nudist. It began with potty training, and it has become a way of life for her. During the initial phases of potty training, I didn't mind that she was naked from the waist down or completely naked, for that matter. It was less laundry for me to do.
Now, however, I find myself constantly compromising with Baby just to keep her underwear on. With the exception of one near-naked incident at gymnastics, she does keep her clothes on in public, but as soon as we walk into the house, they are off. By the time I have unloaded groceries, my daughter is playing happily totally nude. I find her wearing only Cinderella slippers or carrying her purse. She thinks nothing of running outside to play or sitting on the ground.
How do we stop this? I have no idea! Does it really matter at 2? I don't know! What I do know is that she is a free spirit, an independent thinker. Even at 2, I know that she will not conform to what others expect of her or suggest she do. She is her own person, naked or not!

1 comment:

Diane said...

As long as she keeps her stripping tendencies to the house, I would say it's all good. Just don't snap any pictures and send them to be developed at Wal-Mart! :)