I have been told that I make a difference in my children. I discipline them differently, relate to them differently, and am simply unfair at times. To this I have one thing to say... Of course I treat my children differently. They are different people, with different attitudes, different personalities, and different ways of relating to the world. They have different interests, different emotions, and different abilities. With Baby, a simple stern look will bring her to tears. Bubba, however, is unable to read facial expressions correctly, so he laughs. Baby is not quite two and has a great understanding of actions and consequences. Bubba is three and has no concept of actions = consequences. My point...what works with one, doesn't always work with the other.
Evander and I have been doing something right though. On Friday, I went with Bubba and Baby to their school Valentine's parties and got to see them interact with their little friends, as well as one another. Both classes went to the playground, which they evidently do often together, and my children seemed to forget I was there. They were playing together like I had never seen before. Bubba was helping Baby up the steps, and she held his hand as they went down the slide together. She called for him when she wanted to be pushed in her little car, and he came running
It was so nice to see the two of them playing together. They love each other very much and are one another's best friend. While they may fight at home, they look out for each other when they are together. They depend on one another. We may run a tight ship, it seems to be working out pretty well.
It was so nice to see the two of them playing together. They love each other very much and are one another's best friend. While they may fight at home, they look out for each other when they are together. They depend on one another. We may run a tight ship, it seems to be working out pretty well.
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