For the past week or so, I have been having regular contractions. Sometimes they are ten minutes apart for a few hours, and sometimes they are 6 minutes apart for several hours. Sitting down, standing up, drinking water, or lying down do not seem to help. For this reason, my OB decided I should have an ultrasound to make sure that everything is going ok. So... I hired a babysitter and headed to the doctor yesterday.
As I lay down on the table, millions of thoughts were running through my head. I had assured Evander and my mother that everything was fine, but, secretly, I wasn't so sure. Everything about this pregnancy has been different. I know it is #2, but something has just been a little off. I jokingly asked the ultrasound tech to make sure it was a girl, because I had some painting to do if not and tried to relax as she began.
She began by measuring my cervix, which was the main reason I was there (so I thought), and it was fine. Next, as she scanned over the baby's various organs and extremities I watched in awe. It always amazes me how the ultrasound is a tiny window into your baby's world. I watched as she sat with holding her head in her tiny hand, sticking her tongue in and out. I saw her "breathe" in and out and laughed as she put her hand in between the ultrasound and herself, blocking the view of the tech.
I immediately had two questions but I tried to wait until she was done. "Shouldn't the baby have flipped by now?" I asked. A breech baby has been my secret suspicion from the get-go but I refused to tell anyone my fear. People have a way of brushing it aside by saying "Oh it can still turn" or "My friend's baby didn't turn until she was in labor". I'd rather not hear someone's nonsense and chose instead to keep it to myself. My next question was "What is the weight estimate of the baby?"
As the nurse practitioner entered the room (my doctor was out for the day), she said "Well Donna... you've got a pretty big baby in there and a breech one at that." All of these things I knew and didn't need ultrasound to confirm, but now there was factual evidence. The baby is actually 5.7 lbs at 32.5 weeks. The practitioner went on to explain that, typically, babies grow 1/2 lb a week at this stage, and she does not believe the baby has room to turn. I am also measuring 34 1/2 weeks. Hhhmmm! I was not expecting what came next, however.
"So I will talk to Dr. Never In and see what she has to say, but I'm thinking you need to be induced or have a C-section no later than Sept. 15."
Okey, Dokey! Not exactly what I thought was coming, but it is do-able. So...now I will go back in 2 weeks to see if things are still the same (breech and gigantic). Assuming they are, I will be having this baby a few weeks early!
*For the sake of the blog, the baby will be called Peach. Having Baby and baby is a little confusing!